How do the diverse personalities of women entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs shape their workplace challenges?

Women face diverse challenges in the contemporary context. Despite the growth of women entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who grow in the corporate career ladder, the traditional struggles women face in work settings remain acute.

Dealing with toxic work and business environments can haunt our energy. The type of people we meet in our daily professional lives make a great impact on how we react and thus even shape the personalities we become, and our challenges remain unique as to our personalities!

Whether we like it or not, we still deal with the practical scenarios of the glass ceiling and the effects of the old boys. The glass ceiling refers to the discriminative practices that women undergo in their workplaces, where males are given more priority to climb the professional ladder. Old boys’ effect is a similar term to describe how men find it easier to deal with other powerful men in managerial or higher positions than women, where women are assumed to remain weaker. Women intrapreneurs rise above the professional ladder, while women entrepreneurs create new opportunities independently. Both must be praised for their courage!

Emerging contexts remain more challenging for women as the gender gap prevalence is high. Women who are expected to play the traditional gender roles in correlation to their professional achievements lack a great deal of work-life balance. Women are also regarded as having higher ratios of empathy than males. Despite all such imbalances and differences, women still succeed in their professional lives!

Let’s now probe the different personalities of women and how their personalities shape their professional success.

Betas have the typical feminine traits of nurturing and being empathetic. While betas can become great transformational leaders with their caring and empathetic skills, they might struggle with task completion as they might tend to people-please a lot. They might become victims to naysayers in their workplace, as many betas tend to have high empathy, which might turn against them if they don’t set proper boundaries.

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Alpha women have the most desirable traits to climb the professional ladder. They are confident, outgoing and show-off women who can get things done effortlessly. However, they might seem too intimidating for peer males! Alphas also tend to struggle a lot with the queen-bee effect. Just as how males view alpha women in work as intimidating, alphas also tend to see peer women who are equally talented as competition. The power struggle becomes real; thus, ego-driven clashes can demolish their harmony if they are not empowered enough not to create power from within and not from competition! However, alpha females are known to be annoying, trouble-making personalities. When equally demanding alphas are in power within a workplace, it is a recipe for disaster.

Deltas are not meant for the rat race and don’t seek power through competition. However, too much tolerance and patience can put them in vulnerable positions in toxic environments. Most deltas are introverts. They tend to be shy, but they also possess alpha qualities.

Gamma females are unique in that they head their lives with compassion, confidence, empathy, strength, and assertiveness combined. Gammas make it a great success, and their success is unique in the sense they create their standards and decide success through their inner strength. Being a gamma denotes a woman’s version of history and success that nobody imitates. The primary difference between alpha and gamma females is that gammas’ strengths come from within, and alphas extract power from external factors.

Omegas are also equally confident. Omega women also have a sense of uniqueness and tend to know what they exactly want. They have clear goals, and omegas’ power comes from within! Their internal locus of control is on fire, and these introverts can make significant impacts silently. Omegas are not loud, noisy women but tend to make the world the most. They are not meant for complex corporate careers, as their introverted nature demands close-knit circles and deep meaningful tasks. They can make great artistic entrepreneurs and succeed in careers demanding complex conceptual planning.

Sigma females are also highly self-reliant and independent, making them incredibly transformational leaders. Sigma females have similar alpha traits, yet they don’t rely on the outer world to derive their power. What differentiates sigma females from deltas is that sigmas are more confident in social settings and possess excellent communication skills, although they are introverts.

To conclude, each personality comes with its perks and downs. For example, betas are the typical bow-down women who are empathetic and nurturing. This nature can put them into a people-pleasing position, while alphas can be too commanding, which at times might portray them as autocratic leaders.

To overcome barriers in the workplace and business context, women need to be assertive and possess excellent communication and boundary-setting skills. While we cannot change our personalities, we can continually improve our weaknesses with dedication while embracing our uniqueness. Both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are about taking calculative risks with a growth-oriented mindset. It is, hence, best to know how our personalities shape our challenges! Let’s know ourselves better and embrace our uniqueness to set more explicit career goals!

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